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Mixins: abstract classes that provide certain restricted functionality.

They work as a building block for other classes.

CompressorMixin (Mixin, ABC)

Compressor mixin.

Adds compressing capabilities to a subclass.

Source code in blake2signer/
class CompressorMixin(Mixin, ABC):
    """Compressor mixin.

    Adds compressing capabilities to a subclass.

    # ToDo: D417 is a false positive, see
    def __init__(
        *args: typing.Any,
        compressor: typing.Type[CompressorInterface] = ZlibCompressor,
        compression_flag: typing.Union[str, bytes] = b'.',
        compression_ratio: typing.Union[int, float] = 5.0,
        **kwargs: typing.Any,
    ) -> None:  # noqa: D417
        """Add compressing capabilities.

            *args: Additional positional arguments.

        Keyword Args:
            compressor (optional): Compressor class to use (defaults to a Zlib
            compression_flag (optional): Character to mark the payload as compressed.
                It must not belong to the encoder alphabet and be ASCII (defaults
                to ".").
            compression_ratio (optional): Desired minimal compression ratio, between
                0 and below 100 (defaults to 5). It is used to calculate when
                to consider a payload sufficiently compressed to detect detrimental
                compression. By default, if compression achieves less than 5% of
                size reduction, it is considered detrimental.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword only arguments.
        self._compressor = compressor()

        personalisation = self._force_bytes(kwargs.get('personalisation', b''))
        personalisation += self._compressor.__class__.__name__.encode()
        kwargs['personalisation'] = personalisation

        self._compression_flag: bytes = self._validate_comp_flag(compression_flag)
        self._compression_ratio: float = self._validate_comp_ratio(compression_ratio)

        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _validate_comp_flag(self, flag: typing.Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
        """Validate the compression flag value and return it clean.

            flag: compression flag to validate.

            Validated compression flag as bytes.

            InvalidOptionError: the compression flag is not valid.
        if not flag:
            raise InvalidOptionError('the compression flag character must have a value')

        if not flag.isascii():
            raise InvalidOptionError('the compression flag character must be ASCII')

        return self._force_bytes(flag)

    def _validate_comp_ratio(ratio: float) -> float:
        """Validate the compression ratio value and return it clean.

            ratio: compression ratio to validate.

            Validated compression ratio as float.

            InvalidOptionError: the compression ratio is out of bounds.
        if 0.0 <= ratio < 100.0:
            return float(ratio)

        raise InvalidOptionError('the compression ratio must be between 0 and less than 100')

    def _add_compression_flag(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
        """Add the compression flag to given data."""
        return self._compression_flag + data  # prevents zip bombs

    def _is_compressed(self, data: bytes) -> bool:
        """Return True if given data is compressed, checking the compression flag."""
        return data.startswith(self._compression_flag, 0, len(self._compression_flag))

    def _remove_compression_flag(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
        """Remove the compression flag from given data."""
        return data[len(self._compression_flag):]

    def _remove_compression_flag_if_compressed(
        data: bytes,
    ) -> typing.Tuple[bytes, bool]:
        """Remove the compression flag from given data if it is compressed.

            data: Data to process.

              A tuple of given data without the flag, and a boolean indicating
              if it is compressed or not.
        if self._is_compressed(data):
            return self._remove_compression_flag(data), True

        return data, False

    def _is_significantly_compressed(
        data_size: int,
        compressed_size: int,
    ) -> bool:
        """Return True if the compressed size is significantly lower than data size."""
        return compressed_size < (data_size * (1 - (self._compression_ratio / 100)))

    def _compress(
        data: bytes,
        level: typing.Optional[int] = None,
        force: bool = False,
    ) -> typing.Tuple[bytes, bool]:
        """Compress given data if convenient or forced, otherwise do nothing.

        A check is done to verify if compressed data is significantly smaller than
        given data and if not then it returns given data as-is, unless compression
        is forced.

            data: Data to compress.

        Keyword Args:
            level (optional): Compression level wanted from 1 (least compressed)
                to 9 (most compressed) or None for the default.
            force (optional): Force compression without checking if convenient.

            A tuple containing data, and a flag indicating if data is compressed
            (True) or not.

            CompressionError: Data can't be compressed.
        compression_level = self._compressor.get_compression_level(level)

            compressed = self._compressor.compress(data, level=compression_level)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise CompressionError('data can not be compressed') from exc

        if force or self._is_significantly_compressed(len(data), len(compressed)):
            return compressed, True

        # Compression isn't reducing size so do nothing.
        return data, False

    def _decompress(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
        """Decompress given data.

            data: compressed data to decompress.

             Original data.

            DecompressionError: Data can't be decompressed.
            return self._compressor.decompress(data)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise DecompressionError('data can not be decompressed') from exc

__init__(self, *args, *, compressor=<class 'blake2signer.compressors.ZlibCompressor'>, compression_flag=b'.', compression_ratio=5.0, **kwargs) special

Add compressing capabilities.


Name Type Description Default
*args Any

Additional positional arguments.


Keyword arguments:

Name Type Description
compressor optional

Compressor class to use (defaults to a Zlib compressor).

compression_flag optional

Character to mark the payload as compressed. It must not belong to the encoder alphabet and be ASCII (defaults to ".").

compression_ratio optional

Desired minimal compression ratio, between 0 and below 100 (defaults to 5). It is used to calculate when to consider a payload sufficiently compressed to detect detrimental compression. By default, if compression achieves less than 5% of size reduction, it is considered detrimental.

**kwargs Any

Additional keyword only arguments.

Source code in blake2signer/
def __init__(
    *args: typing.Any,
    compressor: typing.Type[CompressorInterface] = ZlibCompressor,
    compression_flag: typing.Union[str, bytes] = b'.',
    compression_ratio: typing.Union[int, float] = 5.0,
    **kwargs: typing.Any,
) -> None:  # noqa: D417
    """Add compressing capabilities.

        *args: Additional positional arguments.

    Keyword Args:
        compressor (optional): Compressor class to use (defaults to a Zlib
        compression_flag (optional): Character to mark the payload as compressed.
            It must not belong to the encoder alphabet and be ASCII (defaults
            to ".").
        compression_ratio (optional): Desired minimal compression ratio, between
            0 and below 100 (defaults to 5). It is used to calculate when
            to consider a payload sufficiently compressed to detect detrimental
            compression. By default, if compression achieves less than 5% of
            size reduction, it is considered detrimental.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword only arguments.
    self._compressor = compressor()

    personalisation = self._force_bytes(kwargs.get('personalisation', b''))
    personalisation += self._compressor.__class__.__name__.encode()
    kwargs['personalisation'] = personalisation

    self._compression_flag: bytes = self._validate_comp_flag(compression_flag)
    self._compression_ratio: float = self._validate_comp_ratio(compression_ratio)

    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

EncoderMixin (Mixin, ABC)

Encoder mixin.

Adds encoding capabilities to a subclass.

Source code in blake2signer/
class EncoderMixin(Mixin, ABC):
    """Encoder mixin.

    Adds encoding capabilities to a subclass.

    # ToDo: D417 is a false positive, see
    def __init__(
        *args: typing.Any,
        encoder: typing.Type[EncoderInterface] = B64URLEncoder,
        **kwargs: typing.Any,
    ) -> None:  # noqa: D417
        """Add encoding capabilities.

            *args: Additional positional arguments.

        Keyword Args:
            encoder (optional): Encoder class to use (defaults to a Base64 URL
                safe encoder).
            **kwargs: Additional keyword only arguments.
        self._encoder = self._validate_encoder(encoder)

        personalisation = self._force_bytes(kwargs.get('personalisation', b''))
        personalisation += self._encoder.__class__.__name__.encode()
        kwargs['personalisation'] = personalisation

        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _validate_encoder(encoder_class: typing.Type[EncoderInterface]) -> EncoderInterface:
        """Validate the encoder characteristics and return it clean.

            encoder_class: encoder class to validate.

            Validated encoder instance.

            InvalidOptionError: the encoder alphabet is empty or is not ASCII.
        encoder = encoder_class()

        if not encoder.alphabet:
            raise InvalidOptionError('the encoder alphabet must have a value')

        if not encoder.alphabet.isascii():
            raise InvalidOptionError('the encoder alphabet must be ASCII')

        return encoder

    def _encode(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
        """Encode given data.

            data: data to encode.

            Encoded data.

            EncodeError: Data can't be encoded.
            return self._encoder.encode(data)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise EncodeError('data can not be encoded') from exc

    def _decode(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
        """Decode given encoded data.

            data: encoded data to decode.

            Original data.

            DecodeError: Data can't be decoded.
            return self._encoder.decode(data)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise DecodeError('data can not be decoded') from exc

__init__(self, *args, *, encoder=<class 'blake2signer.encoders.B64URLEncoder'>, **kwargs) special

Add encoding capabilities.


Name Type Description Default
*args Any

Additional positional arguments.


Keyword arguments:

Name Type Description
encoder optional

Encoder class to use (defaults to a Base64 URL safe encoder).

**kwargs Any

Additional keyword only arguments.

Source code in blake2signer/
def __init__(
    *args: typing.Any,
    encoder: typing.Type[EncoderInterface] = B64URLEncoder,
    **kwargs: typing.Any,
) -> None:  # noqa: D417
    """Add encoding capabilities.

        *args: Additional positional arguments.

    Keyword Args:
        encoder (optional): Encoder class to use (defaults to a Base64 URL
            safe encoder).
        **kwargs: Additional keyword only arguments.
    self._encoder = self._validate_encoder(encoder)

    personalisation = self._force_bytes(kwargs.get('personalisation', b''))
    personalisation += self._encoder.__class__.__name__.encode()
    kwargs['personalisation'] = personalisation

    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Mixin (ABC)

Base class for a Blake2Signer mixin.

Source code in blake2signer/
class Mixin(ABC):
    """Base class for a Blake2Signer mixin."""

    def _force_bytes(value: typing.Any) -> bytes:
        """Force given value into bytes.

            value: Value to convert to bytes.

            Converted value into bytes.

            ConversionError: Can't force value into bytes.
            return force_bytes(value)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ConversionError('value can not be converted to bytes') from exc

SerializerMixin (Mixin, ABC)

Serializer mixin.

Adds serializing capabilities to a subclass.

Source code in blake2signer/
class SerializerMixin(Mixin, ABC):
    """Serializer mixin.

    Adds serializing capabilities to a subclass.

    # ToDo: D417 is a false positive, see
    def __init__(
        *args: typing.Any,
        serializer: typing.Type[SerializerInterface] = JSONSerializer,
        **kwargs: typing.Any,
    ) -> None:  # noqa: D417
        """Add serializing capabilities.

            *args: Additional positional arguments.

        Keyword Args:
            serializer (optional): Serializer class to use (defaults to a JSON
            **kwargs: Additional keyword only arguments.
        self._serializer = serializer()

        personalisation = self._force_bytes(kwargs.get('personalisation', b''))
        personalisation += self._serializer.__class__.__name__.encode()
        kwargs['personalisation'] = personalisation

        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _serialize(self, data: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> bytes:
        """Serialize given data.  Additional kwargs are passed to the serializer.

            data: data to serialize.

        Keyword Args:
          **kwargs: Additional keyword only arguments for the serializer.

            Serialized data.

            SerializationError: Data can't be serialized.
            return self._serializer.serialize(data, **kwargs)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise SerializationError('data can not be serialized') from exc

    def _unserialize(self, data: bytes) -> typing.Any:
        """Unserialize given data.

            data: serialized data to unserialize.

            Original data.

            UnserializationError: Data can't be unserialized.
            return self._serializer.unserialize(data)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise UnserializationError('data can not be unserialized') from exc

__init__(self, *args, *, serializer=<class 'blake2signer.serializers.JSONSerializer'>, **kwargs) special

Add serializing capabilities.


Name Type Description Default
*args Any

Additional positional arguments.


Keyword arguments:

Name Type Description
serializer optional

Serializer class to use (defaults to a JSON serializer).

**kwargs Any

Additional keyword only arguments.

Source code in blake2signer/
def __init__(
    *args: typing.Any,
    serializer: typing.Type[SerializerInterface] = JSONSerializer,
    **kwargs: typing.Any,
) -> None:  # noqa: D417
    """Add serializing capabilities.

        *args: Additional positional arguments.

    Keyword Args:
        serializer (optional): Serializer class to use (defaults to a JSON
        **kwargs: Additional keyword only arguments.
    self._serializer = serializer()

    personalisation = self._force_bytes(kwargs.get('personalisation', b''))
    personalisation += self._serializer.__class__.__name__.encode()
    kwargs['personalisation'] = personalisation

    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
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