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Some details and general information about the signers in this lib.


This module provides three signer classes:

  • Blake2SerializerSigner: a signer class that handles data serialization, compression and encoding along with salted signing and salted timestamped signing. Its public methods are dumps, loads, dumps_parts and loads_parts, and dump and load for files.
  • Blake2Signer: a signer class that simply salts, signs and verifies signed data as bytes or string. Its public methods are sign, unsign, sign_parts and unsign_parts.
  • Blake2TimestampSigner: a signer class that simply salts, signs and verifies signed timestamped data as bytes or string. Its public methods are sign, unsign, sign_parts and unsign_parts.

You should generally go for Blake2SerializerSigner, given that it's the most versatile of the three, unless you need to deal with plain bytes or string.


Serializing with JSON has a cost, even for small payloads (at least twice as much time as not serializing); so think about what you need to sign to pick the right signer. Also, note that you can change the serializer for better performance.


All signers share the following instantiation parameters:

  • secret: Secret value which will be derived using BLAKE to produce the signing key. The minimum secret size is enforced to 16 bytes and there is no maximum.
  • personalisation: Personalisation string (which will be derived using BLAKE) to force the hash function to produce different digests for the same input (no size limit).
  • digest_size: Size of output signature (digest) in bytes (since v2.0.0 it defaults to 16, which is the minimum size allowed).
  • hasher: Hash function to use, blake2b (default), blake2s, or since v2.2.0, blake3; the first one is optimized for 64b platforms; the second, for 8-32b platforms (read more about them in their official site) and the third, for any platform (read more in the official site).
  • deterministic: (New in v1.2.0) Define if signatures are deterministic or non-deterministic (default). Non-deterministic sigs are preferred, and achieved through the use of a random salt (it can't be changed or set). For deterministic sigs, no salt is used: this means that for the same payload, the same sig is obtained (the advantage is that the sig is shorter).
  • separator: (New in v2.0.0) Character to separate the signature, the timestamp and the payload. It must not belong to the encoder alphabet and be ASCII (defaults to .).
  • encoder: (New in v2.0.0) Encoder class to use (defaults to a Base64 URL safe encoder). Note that Blake2Signer and Blake2TimestampSigner only encodes the signature, whereas Blake2SerializerSigner encodes everything.

Additionally, Blake2SerializerSigner supports the following:

  • max_age: Use a timestamp signer instead of a regular one to ensure that the signature is not older than this time in seconds.
  • serializer: Serializer class to use (defaults to a JSON serializer).
  • compressor: Compressor class to use (defaults to a Zlib compressor).
  • compression_flag: (New in v2.0.0) Character to mark the payload as compressed. It must not belong to the encoder alphabet and be ASCII (defaults to .).
  • compression_ratio: (New in v2.0.0) Desired minimal compression ratio, between 0 and below 100 (defaults to 5). It is used to calculate when to consider a payload sufficiently compressed to detect detrimental compression. By default, if compression achieves less than 5% of size reduction, it is considered detrimental.

About salt and personalisation

On all signers a secure pseudorandom salt of the maximum allowed size for the hasher is generated for each signature internally and can't be manually set (salted signatures helps to prevent breakage of a low-entropy key), meaning that every produced signature is non-deterministic so even if the payload doesn't change each signature will be different and unique. This, however, has a performance cost: non-deterministic signatures are a bit more expensive than deterministic ones.

Checking non-deterministic signatures
"""Checking non-deterministic signatures."""

from blake2signer import Blake2Signer

secret = b'one key to rule them all!'
data = b'samwise the brave'

signer = Blake2Signer(secret)

signed1 = signer.sign(data)

signed2 = signer.sign(data)

# Signatures are different because they're non-deterministic: they contain
# a salt
print(signed1 != signed2)  # True

Since v1.2.0, it is possible to generate deterministic signatures (meaning, without salt) using the deterministic option when instantiating any signer. For Blake2SerializerSigner this assumes that the serializer and compressor are always deterministic: if that is not true, then the signature won't be deterministic (encoders always are, and provided serializers and compressors are too), which isn't a problem on itself but just to clarify that the parameter doesn't do any magic.

Other packages usually refer to salt as something to mix with the secret to prevent signer misuse, but here we have the personalisation parameter for that.


It is always a good idea to set the personalisation parameter. This helps to defeat the abuse of using a signed stream for different signers that share the same key by changing the digest computation result (read more about it in the hashlib docs). For example if you use a signer for cookies set something like b'cookies-signer' or if you use it for some user-related data signing it could be b'user data signer', or when used for signing a special value it could be b'the-special-value-signer, etc.

It is important to note that the personalisation value doesn't need to be secret, nor a setting, nor random. It's perfectly fine to just be hardcoded in the class instantiation or similar, and different from any other personalisation value used (unique across all signers used).

"""Sample personalisation values."""

from blake2signer import Blake2Signer, Blake2TimestampSigner

secret = b'secret' * 3
signer = Blake2Signer(secret, personalisation=b'signer for the form CSRF')
timestamp_signer = Blake2TimestampSigner(


Mixing signers

You can't mix and match signers, and that's on purpose: internally, to protect signed data to be mishandled, the personalisation parameter is populated with the signer characteristics such as its encoder, its class, its serializer and compressor if any, etc - additionally to the given value -. This prevents a malicious user to use certain signed data to unsign it with a different signer.

However, you shouldn't solely rely on this characteristic: always set a proper personalisation value for the signer, even if it is the only signer in your application. See examples to know more.

Mixing signers example 1
"""Mixing signers example 1."""

from blake2signer import Blake2Signer
from blake2signer.encoders import HexEncoder
from secrets import token_hex

secret = b'it is OK to use the same secret for all signers'

s = Blake2Signer(secret, encoder=HexEncoder)
signed = s.sign(token_hex(8))

s = Blake2Signer(secret)  # Use default base64 encoder
s.unsign(signed)  # InvalidSignatureError: signature is not valid
Mixing signers example 2
"""Mixing signers example 2."""

from blake2signer import Blake2SerializerSigner
from blake2signer import Blake2Signer
from blake2signer import Blake2TimestampSigner
from blake2signer import errors

secret = 'el problema es estructural'
data = 'facundo castro presente'

t_signer = Blake2TimestampSigner(secret)
s_signer = Blake2SerializerSigner(secret)
signer = Blake2Signer(secret)

    t_signer.unsign(s_signer.dumps(data), max_age=5.5)
except errors.InvalidSignatureError as exc:
    print(repr(exc))  # InvalidSignatureError('signature is not valid')

except errors.InvalidSignatureError as exc:
    print(repr(exc))  # InvalidSignatureError('signature is not valid')

except errors.InvalidSignatureError as exc:
    print(repr(exc))  # InvalidSignatureError('signature is not valid')

# Any and all combinations will produce an `InvalidSignatureError`...


You could find your way to trick one class into accepting data generated by the other, but you really shouldn't! (the tests may show you how if you are interested).

About the secret

It is of utmost importance that the secret value not only remains secret but also to be a cryptographically secure pseudorandom value. It can be arbitrarily long given that it is internally derived, along with the personalisation value, to produce the signing key.

Usually the secret will be obtained from your app's settings or similar, which in turn will get it from the environment or some keyring or secret storage. Whichever the case, ensure that it has at least 256 bits of pseudorandom data, and not some manually splashed letters!.


You can share the same secret with all the signers in use, there's no need to use a different secret for each. Just make sure to set personalisation accordingly.

You can generate the secret value in any of the following ways:

Base64 encoded:

  • python3 -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe(64), end="")'
  • dd if=/dev/urandom iflag=fullblock bs=64 count=1 status=none | base64 -w0 | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '='
  • openssl rand -base64 64 | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '\n='

Hex encoded:

  • python3 -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(64), end="")'
  • od -vN 64 -An -tx1 /dev/urandom | tr -d '[:space:]'
  • xxd -l 64 -p /dev/urandom | tr -d '\n'
  • hexdump -vn 64 -e ' /1 "%02x"' /dev/urandom
  • openssl rand -hex 64 | tr -d '\n'

The encoding doesn't matter, the secret value is used as-is, and derived to obtain the key.

Changing the secret size limit

The secret value is enforced to be of a minimum length of 16 bytes, but this can be changed: either to a bigger or lower value. A longer secret is always a good idea, and there is no limit for this given that its value is derived to produce the hashing key.
To change the limit, set the class attribute MIN_SECRET_SIZE to the desired value in bytes.


Reducing the secret size lower than 8 bytes (128 bits) poses an increasing security risk.

This can be done in every signer

Changing the secret size limit
"""Changing the secret size limit."""

from blake2signer import Blake2Signer
from blake2signer import errors

secret = b'Han shot first'
data = b"didn't he?"

    signer = Blake2Signer(secret)
except errors.InvalidOptionError as exc:
    print(exc)  # secret should be longer than 16 bytes
    Blake2Signer.MIN_SECRET_SIZE = 8  # Size in bytes
    signer = Blake2Signer(secret)

print(data == signer.unsign(signer.sign(data)))  # True


All instances of the signer are affected by the class attribute change.

Encoders, Serializers and Compressors

Signers support changing the encoder class (since v2.0.0) and Blake2SerializerSigner also support changing the serializer and compressor. This package provides several encoders, serializers and compressors in their respective submodules:

  • Encoders
    • Base64 URL safe encoder: uses only lowercase and uppercase English alphabet letters, numbers, underscore (_) and hyphen (-).
    • Base32 encoder: uses only uppercase English alphabet letters, and the numbers 2 to 7.
    • Hex/Base16 encoder: uses only numbers, and the uppercase English alphabet letters from A to F.
  • Serializers
    • JSON serializer: serializes most Python basic types into a string in JSON.
    • Null serializer: doesn't serialize, but otherwise converts given input to bytes.
  • Compressors
    • Zlib compressor: compresses using ZLib.
    • Gzip compressor: compresses using GZip.

New in v0.4.0

You can create a custom encoder simply inheriting from EncoderInterface, a custom compressor inheriting from CompressorInterface and a custom serializer inheriting from SerializerInterface, and you don't need to handle or worry about exceptions: those are caught by the caller class.

New in v2.0.0

All interfaces live in the interfaces submodule.

Check examples on how to use existing encoders, compressors and serializers, or how to create a custom serializer, encoder or compressor or even a custom serializer signer class.

Compression level

Blake2SerializerSigner can optionally compress data after serializing it to make the resulting signature shorter. Since v2.1.0, the default compression level depends on the compressor and is no longer hardcoded to 6. For example, Zlib defaults to 6 but Gzip, to 9.

No matter which compressor is used, it will always be a value between 1 and 9, where 1 is the fastest and least compressed and 9 the slowest and most compressed. Should a compressor in particular use a different scale, then a conversion is internally done, so the end user doesn't have to deal with those details, and the interface remains homogeneous.

A high compression level usually implies a big hit to performance, taking more CPU time and/or memory to compress and decompress, but achieving smaller outputs. So if you have a particular constraint then you can set the level according to your constraint and test to see if the result is as expected.

No worries

Usually, there's no need to set the compression level to a particular value, and therefore there's no need to worry about it, and it can be left by default. However, if you need to, you can.

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